Thursday, 16 April 2015

The concrete jungle!

Dear Diary,

For some, living in a foreign country can mean you`re always at sea about what`s going on...Being confused or not sure what to do creates an impossible situation and the only way to improve it, is by going to a smaller city/town where they don`t feel too stressed for comfort!
For me, it`s the other way round! 
Hardly can I imagine myself living in a small place where few things happen. It`s impossible for me to be away from the hustle and bustle... I`m a big city girl! I`ve always been and will always be!
Going on trips and seeing new places not only opens my horizons but also makes me realise how lucky I`m that I live in the concrete jungle of my dreams, London! 
Well, the 'concrete jungle' on its own has a negative connotation since it means a place in a city that`s crawling with big ugly buildings and has no open spaces. In London, that`s not the case! Wherever you lay your eyes on, you instantly get in love with the impressive structures around you! Also, the city is packed full of parks and open spaces where you can feel like a free bird!
Time here is at full pelt! So many things, so little time...

Should you feel fed up with where you currently are, move!
You are not a tree!
A big kiss,
Litsiana K.  
    On me:
Fedora Wool Hat, Primark
Shades, River Island
Outerwear, Vintage
Fake Leather Pants, Primark
Shoes, TKMax

Friday, 10 April 2015

Hello April!

Dear Diary,

I haven`t welcomed April on my blog...  
Since its very first day, it has been so generous providing us with sunny days every single day!
April has delivered the best London weather and we have to be nothing but grateful!
Spring has sprung, animals have left hibernation state behind and nature is gradually awakening. 

Some tips to enjoy April to the fullest:

  • Let`s leave our dull and dark outfits hidden well in our closets and let`s give space to our floral and colourful patterns! Of course, total black and total white outfits rank No1 on our list!

  • Surrender yourself  to your 5 senses. 

  1. Sight: look the beauty around you!
  2. Sound: listen to all the sounds your city has to offer you and keep the ones who make you dream. Open your windows  widely so as to let fresh air and the melodies of birds come into your house!
  3.  Smell: this time of the year, air travels different smells. Breathe in and breathe out! Go to the nearest florist and buy flowers!
  4. Taste: try different tastes from around the world! Have an insight into other`s tastes and let your horizons open!
  5. Touch: Be one with nature and let its power conquer your  body and mind!

  • Smile, smile, smile! 

  • Close your eyes for a sec and you will see more than open eyes can see!

The first step is to say that you can!
Then, magic will take its turn and you will be astonished by the results!
Till next time, puppies!
Kiss kiss,
Litsiana K.

On me:
Hat, Bershka
Outerwear, Vinatge
Pink Taxedo, Primark
Turtle neck, Primark
Floral Pants, Karl Lagerfeld
Shoes, TKMax
Bag, Calvin Klein