Dear Diary,
It`s been exactly one week since I came back to London and it couldn't have been more fabulous!
You can officially call me `London Girl`!
Here I feel free... That says it all.
Though I`ve been living in London for over 2 years, I still love playing tourism!
One of the places I wanted to go to since year1 here in LDN was BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, also known as Neasden Temple. It is a Hindu temple in the London borough of Brent in northwest London.
The Mandir was cited in Guinness World Records 2000 as follows: The biggest Hindu Temple outside India. It was build by Pramukh Swami, a 92-year old Indian sodhu (holy man).
It`s really an outstanding building that gives you the impression you`d travelled miles away, to a different country and culture, to witness such an impressive structure! For example to India, lol!
Unfortunately, didn`t have a look at the interior... I will do so as soon as possible. But, you are not allowed to carry either your bag or camera/phone with you...No way of sharing anyways!
It`s a big world we live in indeed; go explore it, folks!
Till next time!
Kiss kiss-hug hug,
Litsiana K.
On me:
Wool Hat, Primark
Coat with fur details, River Island
Jeans, Primark
Tote bag, Victoria`s Secret
Boots, River Island