Dear Diary,
Happy Valentine`s Day!
It`s not too late, is it?
Well, since most people hate celebrating V`s Day deeply believing it`s a nonsense that help shops make profit from and we should show our love every single day, my post is not accurate at all!
I like V Day for the simplest reason it is a day devoted to love! How bad is this, man? Love is the alpha and the omega in our lives and should be a day to honour the strongest emotion humans are blessed to feel...
Every day that passes without showing love to the people around us is a wasted day!
Oh and without laughing too!
How I celebrate love??
By loving myself and treating Litsiana to delicious cupcakes, hehe!
Happy Valentine's Day then!
Either you believe in V day or not
just remember that heart is a muscle and should be exercised regularly!
often and Love deeply!
But first love yourself! Embrace yourself and praise
yourself! Tell yourself: "I LOVE ME" and mean it! It is not selfish
it is a necessity!💕 Then
others will love you back because you LOVE WHO YOU ARE!