Dear Diary,
To boo or not to boo? It was a dilemma for me since many people think I `m too cute to spook but it`s my first Halloween in London, so why not give it a try? After all, I wanted it like crazy cause dressing up is my favorite part!
What options do you have that day?
Well, typical festive Halloween activities include trick-or-treating,
attending costume parties, decorating,
carving pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns,
lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions,
playing pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.
To boo or not to boo? It was a dilemma for me since many people think I `m too cute to spook but it`s my first Halloween in London, so why not give it a try? After all, I wanted it like crazy cause dressing up is my favorite part!
What is Halloween? All Hallows' Eve, is a
yearly celebration observed in a number of countries on October 31.
According to many scholars, All Hallows' Eve is a Christian feastinitially influenced by Celtic harvest festivals.
What did I do?
Yesterday, there was a Halloween party in Mayfair; my chance to scary
people. Did I manage that? Yeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh.... I don a
super stylist skirt and bra top, my fab leather boots but most was done with
the make-up artistic flash that I came up with. The result was something
between a skeleton and a demon.
That`s my trick or treat bag; everyone was scared and got no treats...
What products did I use?
Happy Halloween!
Hope to have a spooktacular Halloween!
Litsiana K.
Leather Boots, PRIMARK