Dear Diary,
Happy June!
New month has begun!
When June comes summer officially takes over...Well, here it`s not the case.
After a month and so of nice warm weather, cold and wind returned for their millionth round....
I`m trying to fool my mind with the thought that warmer days are yet to come.
A remedy to this unreal cold weather is a throw back to the recent past.
On Suturday a longer than usual weekend started. Monday was bank holiday so, I had more time to be sassy and create memories.
My bestie and I went to a nice flower event in Sloane Square, Chelsea.
I`d recently blogposted last`s year event.
This time comes on the blog straight after the event and not after a year......
The weather was lovely, I went sleeveless and there was absolutely no need for a jacket!
Woop Woop!
There was a colour attack everywhere there.
You see, the theme was Carnival inspired by the Rio De Janeiro Carnival!
The installations were in one word: a m a z i n g!
We couldn`t get enough of it so excuse me for showering you with so many pictures!
Plus, we`d not used the professional camera since November so, we went a bit crazy...
I`m a sucker for black and white colours but, love being surrounded by colours.
Sometimes all I want is a little bit splash of colours so as to make my life colourful!
Till next time,
keep calm and colour your world!
Love, kiss and hug,
Litsiana K.
On me:
Jumpsuit, Topshoshop
Shoes, Primark
Shades, Playboy
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